WiRED International Observes World No Tobacco Day
Credit: WHO
ay 31 is World No Tobacco Day. This year the World Health Organization’s theme is “Tobacco — a threat to development.” The campaign underlines the danger that the tobacco industry poses to the sustainable development of all countries, including the health and economic well-being of their citizens.
More than 7 million people die every year from tobacco use and from exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking tobacco affects every organ in the human body and causes or contributes to many chronic and fatal illnesses such as cancer, stroke and heart disease. Tobacco is the leading cause of cancer and death from cancer.
WiRED International offers smoking cessation modules in its Health Learning Center e-library. Many of the collection’s 400+ modules stress cutting out tobacco as crucial to warding off disease and to maintaining well-being.
Make every day No Tobacco Day and enjoy a tobacco-free healthy lifestyle.
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