"Today we acknowledge the peace and stability that has been achieved and dedicate our new Center to nurturing the health and long life of the citizens of Vukovar."









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Progress Towards Croatian Reconstruction Continues
Medtronic Foundation Funds New Community Health
Information Center

by Brian Jacobson


Picture from Vukovar, Croatia

Vukovar, Croatia, July 27, 2002

Vukovar, Croatia has taken another step in the reconstruction of their war-torn community with the dedication of a new Community Health Information Center. The Center, developed by World Internet Resources for Education and Development (WiRED) and funded by Medtronic Foundation will focus on daily life-style issues such as diet, nutrition and smoking-cessation.


At the dedication ceremony on July 27, 2002, Dr. Gary Selnow, WiRED Executive Director, noted, "In 1997, when we established the first WiRED Community Information Center in Vukovar, we were concerned with creating information and communication tools to construct peace and stability after a devastating war in the region. Today we acknowledge the peace and stability that has been achieved and dedicate our new Center to nurturing the health and long life of the citizens of Vukovar."


The Center aims to improve health information and education in the community through programs on CD-ROMs and online resources for health-care professionals, patients and concerned members of the public. The programs will focus on key health issues faced by the people in the area.


In recognition of the prevalence of heart disease in the region, a series of programs will emphasize the importance of prevention and offer methods to improve diet and exercise routines.


As part of the stop smoking campaign, WiRED is working with local schools to promote an anti-smoking message. Students from the schools will be invited to use the Center to explore interactive CD-ROMs detailing the detrimental affects of smoking.


In addition to the health information, the ten computer terminals will bring much-needed technological resources to the region. The Center will be open for free access to University of Osijek students, school children, local community leaders, and members of the public.


The new Community Health Information Center is located at the Vukovar Institute for Peace Education and Research (VIMIO). VIMIO is a non-governmental, non-profit, and non-partisan humanitarian organization. It is an initiative of the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) within a long-term project called Rebuilding the Multi-ethnic Society in Croatia. VIMIO's mission is to contribute to a long-term process of reconciliation, renewal of confidence and extension on inter-ethnic tolerance in Croatia, particularly in the Croatian Danube region.


Medtronic Foundation is committed to helping people live healthy and productive lives. Visit Medtronic foundation online at: www.medtronic.com/foundation.


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