WiRED International's mission is to provide medical and healthcare information, education and communications in developing and war-affected regions. We can connect doctors to doctors virtually anywhere. We also link grassroots communities directly to essential health information. WiRED’s information centers are locally run and become a central part of the communities they serve. Learn More >









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WiRED International Launches New Medical Information Center in the Medical School at the University of Nicaragua


WiRED International will provide a Medical Information Center for faculty and students of the Medical School at the University of Nicaragua in Leon. We are grateful to the Tiburon-Belvedere Rotary Club for underwriting the installation of this new Center.


The reach of modern medicine depends on the capacity of the people who provide medical care and support to have access to the latest medical information and to communicate with each other and with the outside world. This project uses computers, the Internet and an E-Library to provide current, life-saving medical information for students and professionals at the medical school.


The dedication ceremony of this Center, which is WiRED's second Center in Leon, Nicaragua, will occur on August 7, 2003.