WiRED International Expands HIV/AIDS Prevention Services in Kenya 11 New Community Health Information Centers Open Their Doors
By Pauline Karani Edited by Patricia Bunyasi
Following the success of the initial five Community Health Information Centers (CHICs) in Kenya, WiRED
International created 11 additional Centers that will not only provide access to health information, but
will also include community outreach programs for people who find it difficult to travel to the CHICs.
The process began with training workshops at the end of March for 45 volunteers from nine administrative
districts of Kenya. Their training included word processing, working with spreadsheets, networking of computers
and using WiRED’s medical e-library. In addition to computer skills, the coordinators were also trained in basic
management skills such as research methodologies, community outreach strategies and action planning.
Community outreach programs will be a highlight of the programming in the new Centers. Volunteers will pack a computer
and transport the healthcare information to people outside of the urban centers. This "Pak n Go" program, as it is popularly
known, will serve hard-to-reach groups such as nomadic communities, members of the military, students and teachers.
WiRED International Executive Director, Dr. Gary Selnow, encouraged the new volunteers to contribute the best of their services to
the people of Kenya. He noted that the success of the Centers is not about computers, but about people. "Ultimately, saving people's
lives through the provision of vital health information is the essence of the existence of WiRED’s Centers in this country, ” stated Dr. Selnow.