Those Whose Lives Have Been Touched by WiRED

Training Physicians: Improving Health-Care for a Nation

The Internet Access Centers are the right facilities at the right time in the right place. With most other forms of interpersonal communication cut off for most people in Kosovo, the Net remains the only link to the outside.

For professionals, the Centers offer a life-line of information. It would be difficult to overstate the excitement of doctors who first read the Journal of the American Medical Association on-line. Before the session ended, each filled a floppy disk with articles that reported updates in their specialties.

Ever since attending an Internet training class in February, Dr. Mustafa has visited the Pristina Center regularly to conduct on-line, medical research. Based on that research, Dr. Mustafa--an oncology specialist--has written a paper which has just been accepted for a medical conference. Until the Center arrived, he said, had been without current information for over two years.

Dr. Mustafa is also a published poet. How does he reconcile the differences between his two passions, medicine and poetry? "With my medicine I heal people; with my poetry, I heal myself."

Read Testimonials from Kenya, July 2003
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