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Suggested Continuing Health Worker Education (CHWE) Topics


731 Essential Diagnostic Tools This module discusses WHO’s List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (EDL) — a tool which provides information for diagnostic, monitoring or compatibility purposes — and what is required from the EDL at various levels of the health system from primary health care to hospitals and laboratories.

Objectives. At the completion of this module, you will be able to:
  • Become familiar with the List of EDLs
  • Identify routine general laboratory tests and those used for detection and diagnosis of communicable and noncommunicable diseases
  • Understand the test purpose, collection methods and normal values on most commonly used tests

733 Maternal and Child Health series This 24-part series presents information related to four topics: Before Pregnancy, Pregnant Now, Labor and Delivery and Parenting. These modules help prepare for a healthy pregnancy, delivery and the years of childhood up to age five.


734 HIV Series This series of modules covers basic information about HIV/AIDS and such topics as how to live with it daily, related infections and cancers, treatment, caring for AIDS patients at home, materials designed for all age groups, prevention of mother-to-child transmission and proper nutrition.


735 Diabetes series This series of modules provides a thorough description of type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes along with offering practical skills for managing the disease, diagnosis options and how diabetes affects different parts of the body.


737 Cancer Series This series of modules offers a three-part introduction to cancer and multi-part modules providing information on specific cancers such as colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer.


738 Infectious Disease Series Communities facing the threat of infectious diseases need to prepare in advance to take the steps necessary to avoid or minimize the impact of illnesses to their people and institutions. We have prepared a series of training modules to help people in the community understand their roles to prepare for a disease and to coordinate their efforts. This program will provide you with the information you need to do your part in a community response.