Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which permanent damage to heart valves is caused by an inflammatory disease called rheumatic fever. The disease process that damages the heart valves generally begins with a throat infection called "strep throat," a treatable illness.
For General Audiences
WiRED has prepared the follow package of modules to address the prevention, recognition, and treatment of rheumatic heart disease. Each module examines key topics using similar terminology to facilitate communications among students (and their parents), teachers, and community health workers. We urge school and health leaders to introduce this collection of modules to the appropriate audiences for a coordinated approach to addressing rheumatic heart disease at the community level.
Rheumatic heart disease training for students A Guide for Students: This module is specifically targeted to students and contains information about strep throat, rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease and the connection between these three.
Rheumatic heart disease training for students (in Portuguese)
Rheumatic heart disease training for students (in Spanish)
Rheumatic heart disease training for students (in French)
تدريب الطلاب الخاص بمرض روماتيزم القلب (in Arabic)
A Guide for Teachers: Rheumatic heart disease training for teachers - Pt 1 This module is specifically targeted to teachers and explains the special role teachers can play in combating strep throat, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.
A Guide for Teachers: Rheumatic heart disease training for teachers - Pt 2 This module is specifically targeted to teachers and explains the problems related to Rheumatic Heart Disease.
تدريب المعلمين الخاص بمرض روماتيزم القلب الجزء الاول (in Arabic)
تدريب المعلمين الخاص بمرض روماتيزم القلب, الجزء الثاني (in Arabic)
Rheumatic heart disease training for community health workers - Pt 1 A Guide for Community Health Workers: This module is specifically targeted to Community Health Workers who are in a good position to recognize the symptoms that could lead to rheumatic heart disease. This module provides basic information about rheumatic heart disease, rheumatic fever and strep throat.
Rheumatic heart disease training for community health workers - Pt 2 A Guide for Community Health Workers: This module is specifically targeted to Community Health Workers who are in a good position to recognize the symptoms that could lead to rheumatic heart disease. This module provides basic information about the complications of rheumatic heart disease, particularly as it progresses.